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Release Notes (Sitecore 5.1)
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Sitecore 5.1 has been fully optimized and provides remarkable performance improvements compared with Sitecore 5.0.  These performance improvements influence both the Sitecore clients as well as the back end.  For example, XSLT renderings that leverage Sitecore extensions or controls may perform as much as 30 times faster, while certain areas of the Sitecore clients now perform as much as 4 times faster.

As one might expect, these optimizations have required some changes to the Sitecore backend, including the Sitecore API.  The changes should not cause problems with existing code, but do require a recompilation of all web controls, modules, and other libraries which leverage the Sitecore API.

This document briefly details the changes made in Sitecore 5.1 and provides references to articles with more in depth information.

The ID, Language, and Version Structs have been changed to Classes.

Custom security domains should no longer implement but derive from base class.

The new Dataprovider class has been introduced.

Learn about how to fake user roles.

In Sitecore 5.1 we go from having one large cache (mapped to the ASP.NET cache) to using multiple custom caches.

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